The goings on, happenings, adventures, and activities of our Second Life vampire clan, Divine Blood.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Before the promotions...
Let's congratulate all the Lords and Ladies who did an awsome job with their events!For all the time they are giving and tehir dedication... They all deserve warm applauds!
Some will probably be promoted some others not. New Lords and Ladies will be named and will keep rockin our amazing clan with cool events.
Best of luck to all!! WE WILL NOT BOW!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Punishments Keep Rolling In...

The "punishments" of those auctioned are being implemented. It is not uncommon to log in and find one of our members in an odd AV to say the least. Tonee and Freya were forced to be 1st day noobs for 24 hours, Rikk had to be completely bald, Sun dressed as a very hot chick, Druss wore lingerie, Rainbow had to try out poseballs, and Liv wore Harry the Hobo AV. All in good fun and with a sense of humor of course!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Nude Beach Event

So last night we had one of our adult only events. Lady Cari was the hostess and Lord Kev was the DJ and needless to say it was definintly clothing optional! Our lovely Queen Ame ( also the winner of last nights event!) and hostess Cari got into their chunky shapes to have a little more fun! Duke Chris even did some pole dancing! It was a blast!
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Divine Blood offers classes daily for our clan members. The schedule is posted outside the castle on our clan lands for easy reference and reminder notices are sent out as well. These are taught in our classroom on our clan lands by the Barons and Baronesses. Some of the classes offered are: Bloodlines Potions; Bloodlines Products; How to be a Good Liege; Hunting; Thirst and Rage HUDs; Turning Process for Blood Dolls, Vampires and Lycans; Blood Dolls and their Role. Also offered are three special mentors classes taught by the Dukes and Duchesses which are required to become a royal or knight in the clan. We strive to help our members get the most out of the Bloodlines game and make it a great roleplaying experience for everyone!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Trailer Trash Event

You can't say vampires and lycans don't have a sense of humor. Tonight we channeled our inner trailer trash with Lady Luci Lionheart's event. As DJ Krissy was spinning we danced and joked with each other. Some of the funniest lines came from Seraphina.
"Tonee did your water break or did you spill your beer?"
"Mess with me and you mess with the whole trailer park."
"That's a mighty fine litter of chilluns you got there. They look just like Uncle Dad."
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
This Weeks Events

Monday 2-4 Manic Monday
8-10 Rave
Tuesday 2-4 Nighties
6-8 True Blood
Wednesday 2-4 Best in Red
8-10 Trailer Trash
Thursday 2-4 Tattered and Torn
6:30-8:30 Nude Beach
Friday 2-4 Neko
5-7 Club Hades (No Child Avi's allowed)
Saturday 2-4 Best in Scary
6-8 Fishnet
Sunday 3-5 Best in Wedding Attire
6:30-8:30 Piercings/Tattoos
Best sure to check the Events Board at the Landing Spot for any updates or changes.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Divine Blood joins Bloodlines WAR
(From Noelle Triellis notice) Monday, May 24, at 8:30PM SLT, we will be having a meeting in the arena to discuss Bloodlines WAR and the clans creation of Divine Blood army called Death by Divine. If you are interested in finding out what it is all about or have any questions we will help you sign up and learn more about being a part of the army. We hope to see you all there!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Under the Big Top Auction

Ladies and gentlemen! Focus your eyes on the big top attraction! This month's circus themed auction was a huge success. Our own Duchess Liv Vyper organizing and hosting the event which auctioned off volunteered members of the clan to the highest bidder. The bids ranged from 1000L$ to 10000L$. The jugglers, clowns, lion tamers, and acrobats brought in just over 90,000L$ which goes toward our land tiers.
After the auction was the Best in Circus dance event with DJ Kev spinning under yet another circus tent! Liv won the 2000L$ prize for her awesome clown costume. Popcorn was passed as the conversation buzzed about what the punishments would be for those won in the auction. Dress as a noob for the day? No AO? Scrub the castle floors? We'll be sure to see all the fun in upcoming blog posts!
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