On Sunday, August 13, Crown Princess Daisy and Crown PRince Jerod hosted the latest royals promotion ceremony. It was a light hearted event with a fantastic crowd of our members.
Duchess Raven started out the ceremony announcing the newest royals, the Lords and Ladies.
Congrats to Kat Gracemount, Griffith Nightfire, MissCea Resident, Airlia Resident, Everythingblacklam2911 Resident, and Kumani Wylder for completing the three mentor classes, passing the royals exam, helping other members, and being active in the clan.
Next up was Rubicscube Resident promoted to the position of Countess (shown above). Christabellouise "Skylah" Resident was promoted to the position of Baroness but was absent for the ceremony.
Christophe Stratten was promoted to Duke.
Two long time members, Tar and Lara, were promoted to the Prince and Princess group. Lara Darkbyrd was busy RL and missed the ceremony. Tar had trouble rezzing and now has the nickname the naked prince.
Congrats again to all those who were promoted.