Although our clan is about the people not the numbers, when one of our members reaches a new goal it warrants a congratulations. The following information was taken from the official SL Bloodlines site http://www.slbloodlines.com/guide for those who are curious on how those goals are achieved.
"The souls collected by you and the Minions lieged to you determine your royalty status and rank. There are 10 ranks above vampire/lycan; ranging from 10 collected souls to 400 collected souls. The higher your total, the higher your status, and also the higher you will rise on the Royalty ranking. When minions come and go, however, your soul total may fluctuate by the number they own. Your Royalty status and Rank will fluctuate accordingly. "
Your Bloodlines Royalty status and Rank is different from the Royalty status within the clan. You can be a Blood Doll with no minions whatsoever and still be a Royal within the clan. Just an FYI. :-)
Here are the SL Bloodlines Royalty Ranks (Vampire and Lycan):
- 10 Souls - Bloodletter or Mauler
- 25 Souls- Tormentor or Brute
- 50 Souls- Hellion or Behemoth
- 100 Souls- Impaler or Dreadnought
- 150 Souls- Deathmerchant or Hellbeast
- 200 Souls- Archfiend/Archfiendess or Berserker
- 250 Souls- Count/Countess or Goliath
- 300 Souls- Baron/Baroness or Colossus
- 350 Souls- Prince/Princess or Primus
- 400 Souls- King/Queen or Alpha
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