With darkened clouds hovering over in an ominous sky, slowly the crowd gathered into the arena on Saturday afternoon. The stench of mud was thick. The tension was palpable as the masses eyed each other wondering who had the guts to pay the 5L entrance fee for the no holds barred, take down mud wrestling event. Count Tar sat upon his fiery throne listing the names for the havoc that was about to begin. Finally the eight brave souls were paired off and the hell began.
In the battle between Pixi and Freya both winced as their wrists throbbed with the pain of the repeated tapping of the arrow up key. In the end, Freya won by a fraction. Tuffie and Bri battled in chaos of blackened leather. Bri proved to be too much for Tuffie despite her name. The crowd gasped as the next names were called.

Tar called out battle after battle. The heat and stress began to show on the wrestler's bodies. Pad, Vlad, Bri, Pixi, Tuffie and Freya paced as Amethyst vs. DavidMichael tangled in the mud. Who would complete the finisher? In the end DM was on the bottom and tapped out. Somehow the mud became a whole lot stickier afterward but the masses called out for more!
In the battle of Freya vs. Vlad she pulled a suplex out of nowhere for the finisher. Bri beat down Amethyst in the other semi final round which brought it down to two. Bri vs. Freya. Princess vs. Baroness. Kiwi vs. American. A low growl was heard. Teeth began to gnash. In the chaos, adrenaline, and urging of the crowd they threw off their shirts and climbed into the pit.

Oops. Looks like Ame lost her top too in the confusion. Bri and Freya hopped on the poseballs. Player 1 and Player 2. The crowd roared. The countdown, and then... GO! Their bodies entwined, tangling, twisting. Powerslam after neckbreaker. Brainbuster, chokeslam, leg drop, full nelson, piledriver... Freya took a beatdown. It was all Bri. The Kiwi took home the belt and the 100L prize to the cheers of her compatriots. But not before a long, lingering hug with Freya. YAY the KIWI!!!!!
awesome wish i hadnt missed it