Our knights still uphold most of these virtues and use them in Second Life. To hold the title of Knight is an honor and should be held in the deepest respect. Our knights continually monitor the lands for griefers and uninvited guests. They also scan for bugs and keep the sim running smoothly.

ARCHKNIGHT Rikk Steamweaver
Archknight-trains the current Knights and Guardians and communicates with King/Queen on any issues that may arise. Archknights are also part of the high royals ranking.
Knights - Land security. keeps updated on security systems and SL viruses, oversees ejections. Participate in commemoration events as available; participate in clan events as available.
Rome Gearz
Druss Gearz
Vultar Dimanovic
Sun Tigerfish
Xavian Rexie
Amelie Faerye
Mona Redenblack
Skyler Peapod
Chrystal Low *
Lastat Cristole*
Guardians - Are Knights in training, they assist the knights in any duties needed. The do not have land ejection rights and are strictly in training.
Danceking5 Firelyte
Travis Spiritweaver*
Laurennnn Adored*
Ariana Kalinakov*
Yakune Silverfall*
The Knights of Divine have their own quarters for meetings complete with keg! Prince Christophe did a marvelous job in creating and providing them with this area. He also created the special Divine Knights swords.
ArchKnight Rikk created the Divine Knights crest which he also made into a tattoo for the knights. They also have the option of wearing the special knight ring.
*Denotes recently promoted Congrats to those recently promoted and huge thanks to those who continue to serve Divine for our safety and well being! Harrrooooo!
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