Well , Hi people!!!! It is me again... run and hide!
The last 2 days have seen some way cool things going on. Especially with one of our newest Ladies..
Lady Silvia. She stared in her DJ debut.. with Best In Hippy.. I dont know what to say.. except,, I think there were some kinda brownies going arround! It was a great time and she did awesome! Shayne and Irish took home the gold.. with 600 L on the board split. :)
The event was held at the club Silvia owns.. called Maximum Silver. Its a very nice place as you can see! Its way cool to have members of the Lords and Ladies, and Divine itself..with their own clubs, willing to have us come there and play. Not only do we get to go somewhere new, we also get to meet new people. When we meet new people.. we have a chance to have new Divine Family Members!
Remember.. we lead by example.. if we show people how much fun we have and how we care.. then they will want the same thing!! We are the only family in SL I know of that teach each other.. and are there for each other every single day.
Wednesday . we had a impromptu event.. with Silvia and this time Nikki DJ'n.. It was 900 L on the board, SPlit 3 ways.. best in Demons and Devils. Nikki spun some great tunes.. and we all had a perfectly demonic time! The winners were Rick, Gabe and Heaven.. Rick and Heaven are new people that we have met while there.. lets hope we can see them again soon!
So... at this time I want to wish Audrey and Gio a Happy Birthday!!
Seeing you soon!!
Awesome post Irish!!