Thursday, September 30, 2010

Clan Meeting Thursday

 Clan Meeting Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 2PM SLT and 9PM SLT.  See you there!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

ZZ Top and Lynyrd Skynyrd Concert

Once again Divine Blood Island was the sight of a fantastic SL tribute band concert! Thanks to Baron Ethan and Lady HeavenlyAngel Lighthouse Divine was rockin! We were blessed with not just one but two bands this month.  ZZ Top and Lynyrd Skynyrd did a fantastic job of entertaining us and putting on a great show.
Photo Credits: Ethan Lighthouse & Valerie Firethorn

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Zombies need Brainzzzzzzzzz Event

 Hosted by our fantastic Countess Irish and spinning the tunes DJ Luna! This was a fantastically fun event held in the graveyard. We enjoyed lots of corny jokes, doing the Thriller dance in unison, and some of us even won money from the Sploder! (Not me of course).
 Baroness Cari sent out brains in a jar during half time because either we were getting hungrier or dumber by the minute depending on the guest. haha!
What did the zombie's friend say when he introduced him to his girlfriend?

Good grief! Where did you dig her up from?  
What else is part of a zombies complete breakfast? Graaaaaaains!"

Grats to Counselor Lara "Crotch Rot" Darkbyrd on winning the zombie event! Harrroooo!
(Credit for the zombie jokes goes to Irish)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Photo Contest

Duchess Krissy held a photo contest again this month. The theme was Romantic Couples. Entrants submitted a photo of themselves and their significant other.  Votes were L$5 each. The top winners this month were:
1st place- Cari, 2nd place- Ethan, 3rd place- Shayne. The proceeds brought in L$9176 towards land tiers. Great job everyone!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September's Auction

This month's auction was held at the new castle roleplay platform.  A Goth Theme was chosen by Duchess Audrey.  Duchess Krissy, Baroness Cari and Counselor Lara decorated and the area looked awesome!
 The feast of apples, blood wine, and hapless victims.
 Some of the guests enjoying the meal and cheering the bidding wars.
Our fantastic new roleplay castle in the background.
 Our lovely hostesses, Duchess Krissy and Duchess Audrey.
Some of the lovelies up for auction.
Thanks to all those who offered themselves up to be bid upon and those that donated to the land tiers.  It takes quite a bit of lindens to keep our lands up and running so that we can all enjoy them each month.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Barely There!

Lady Silvia hosted and DJ'd a very rambunctious Barely There event recently at the naughty pool. With $L300 prizes each for male and female.  BloodlustMylia won for female, Stryker's animal print thong and Giovanni's Jack Daniels bottle tied for male. I mean... Stryker and Giovanni tied for best male.   *winks*

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Don't forget the auction to raise land tiers is tomorrow at 1 PM SLT! Can't wait to join Duchess Audrey in this awesome event! Save your lindens til tomorrow and see you there!

Impaled Forest

"Ahhh yes.... blood letting makes my mind... clear somehow." - Prince Christophe

"Kinda like yoga. Just find a pose and veg. "- Duchess Freya

"Oom mani pedi shoe shopping."- Bva

"An island full of ladies and a red river its all starting to make sense, This probably isn't the right time to get yas angry. "- DavidMichael

This is a cool place to 'hang out' and chat."- Rune

"When I heard about a lot of penetration going on up in the hills... not exactly what I imagined."- Dodger

"Can you do more than one person to a stake? We could have a shish k bob."- Buck

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

PaintBall Fight

Lady Arna does it again! Thinking outside of the box she held a Paintball Fight Event.  Competitors fought all over the sim pelleting each other with paint guns.  Buck stayed in the arena and Countess Irish ninja'd him. haha! Speaking of Irish- she took a fantastic pic of herself at this event and submitted it to Stilleto Moody shoes contest. Go vote for her on Facebook!  Here are some shots of the action:

Monday, September 20, 2010

Under Construction! (Again)

Crown Princess Daisy and her crew are at it again! Reminiscent of the old Daligdig Island the clan lands look vampy as ever!   Be patient as the construction continues and be sure to thank Prince Chuck and Princess Jen as well as Daisy and Chris for all their hard work.  We will continue showing you all the fun updates here on the blog as they come.
Prince Christophe created a forest for the impaled.  The blood dripping down into a pool which flows down a waterfall into the stream below.
The whole sim is filled with fun roleplay poseballs everywhere you look! 

I tried out the Condemned poseball at the Graveyard entrance.

The mall and club has a new look as well. (Hi Irish!)
This  area looks like there will be plenty of room for group turnings and welcoming new members into the family!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Royal Gallery

Way back in my noob days I would wander the top castle floor clicking the photos of royals that were displayed. A description of who the person was, their title, and what their role entailed was given. I found it highly useful in understanding what the clan was about and who did what. 
Now Baron Tar Garnburg has created a new useful tool for our clan members to gather that same kind of information. Currently standing outside of the castle is The Royal Gallery.  Click on a picture, it gives you the royals name. Click on the title and it tells you what that person's role is and what exactly they do. From King Darrell at the top and working down toward the Lords and Ladies at the lower portion. Also added is our blog information at the base which was added after I snapped the photo. Adjacent to The Royals Gallery is the knights board information. Archknight Rikk at the top then the knights, below that is the guardians and finally the counselors at the bottom.  If you are a royal and have not submitted a photo to Tar, please do so ASAP and give him a big harrrooooo for his hard work.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Blood Bottle!

From Prince Pad's notice:

ok guys as most of us know it costs a lot to keep our awesome family awesome with tiers and event prizes so were asking you to donate to the blood bottle at the landing spot we have a goal of 15k to reach and once reached one of our lucky tippers shall receive a forever amulet drop in as much or as little as you can we thank you all for your continuing support

love you all

divine douche ~prince pad

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Naughty Nighties!

Lady Arna and DJ Countess Irish threw a fantastic event up at the naughty pool on Monday morning.  Naughty nighties was the theme and it was so much fun! Irish will play anything you request and she had quite a mix of music as always. 
 The naughty pool events are always fun with everyone letting their hair down a bit and just relaxing, dancing, and letting loose more than usual.  Which makes for a great party if I say so myself! I couldn't resist stripping a bit as I usually do at the naughty pool.  Some of us lined up to dance on Arna's chim too. We looked like back up dancers. haha. Lord Elros and Ride split the prize winnings for the contest. I am anxious to get a break from school so I can attend more events and enjoy my Second Life with my family!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Meet and Greet and.....

This past Sunday brought about some small changes for the Lords and Ladies and several clan events.   Lord Kane held  Meet and Greet for new members on the beach.  This is always a popular event and helps us all to get to know each other, a bit of a family reunion of new and older members alike. 
We lingered on the beach for a while afterward.  Prince Pad had been announced earlier that day as a new helper to the Lords and Ladies group.  He decided to hold an impromptu event of Best in Country with $L500 on the board.  We danced to the music stream on lands and had a great time.  Just hanging out is often the best, most fun events of all.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Bloodlines Products are Finally Released!

For more information on The Coffin, The Blood Bond, and The Blood Scan please refer to the above link.  Several of our members have bought the blood bond already.  Just when you've spent all your lindens to be a well geared Bloodlines player, Mars goes and creates more stuff to buy. Mhmmmm...

Changes at Bloodlines Website

The Bloodlines website has a few changes going on.  The layout and sharing of information as well as the new items available are also shown. Take some time to explore the site, look over the changes, review it.  The new Charisma rank is going to be interesting to say the least.  Let us know what you think.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Number 3!

Number 1 regardless of what the rank shows however, Divine Blood is now number three in rank of the top clans of Bloodlines according to their website:

Fuck ya!! A big harrroooooo to all of you that make us the strong, fantastic family that we are!