Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Blood Bond

From the Bloodlines Website:

The Blood Bond

The Blood Bond links you to another vampire through Vital Blood. Each partner must make a sacrifice of 1 Liter of blood to form the bond, and if you wish to break the bond, it will cost the breaking avatar an additional 1 Liter sacrifice. In exchange for this sacrifice, each bonded avatar can send their partner an additional charisma point every day, and you can also send your partner Vital Blood directly from your veins at any time.
Please note that both members must own the Thirst HUD in order to be bonded.

•1 Blood Bond Ring Box

•2 Blood Bond Rings

•1 Set Instructions

•1 Bloodlines TOS Notecard

•1 Liquid designs Copyright & EULA Notecard

•1 LM to Bloodlines Main Store


To use your Blood Bond, rez it or wear it, and touch it for a menu.

There are 3 menu options:

1.Open Box

2.Close Box

3.Propose: Your partner must be nearby for you to propose to them. They will be sent a request for the bond, and if they agree, the bond will be sealed and you will each be vended a ring. You can use the ring to send each other 1 Charisma point per day, and vital blood at any time.

4.Help: chat help

You can also give your bond commands using chat. The Bond Ring will listen to you on channel 22. The following commands are available:

/22help: chat command help

/22blood: send blood to partner

/22charisma: send charisma to partner

Note: This item is L$999.  You CANNOT bond with a blood doll since it requires 1 liter of blood from each person to bond.

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