Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lycan Turning

Recently I had the opportunity to attend a lycan turning.  For those of you not familiar with the term, a lycan is the werewolf aspect of the Bloodlines game. In the middle ages a person who looked or acted like a werewolf suffered from lycanothropy.  This is where the word comes from.  Here is a step by step guide to turning a Lycan:

1. Find the crate in inventory.. under recent items may help to locate it easier.. click the crate and drag it from inventory onto the ground.

2. Then right click the the Rage crate, choose open from the pie menu, and copy to inventory when the contents appear. and open. Find The folder and open it.

3. Have the victim wear the HUD, 1.2 claw, and stat viewer. The Rage crate contains two claws, one for each hand, and a pose stand stand to adjust them to fit each individual avatar. The 1.2 claw, worn on the left hand, is the only active claw that can attack. The claw worn on the right hand is for looks only.

4. Both liege and minion must ALWAYS wear their stat viewers when draining blood. This will help keep a better eye on humanity and lumen levels, and prevent accidental destruction if draining excess lumens into a prism. It is also a good idea to periodically scan yourself and your victim if there is a lot of lag.

5. Start the draining process... The Rampage Claw is a great tool to drain your victim quickly, as it allows you to take up to 75% of their humanity in one shot, but the claws work just as well for those who want a more realistic turning. Drain your victim to 0% humanity, and their stat viewer will change from human to revenant.

6. Once at 0%.. They must be filled back up with 50 lumens by either drinking from a prism or attacking before they change from revenant to lycan.

7. Have them then drain back down to 30 lumens to allow space for hunting and feeding.

8. Following the instructions given in the Settting/Changing Liege notecard in the New Members Packet v.9, have your new minion set liege to you. After this has been completed, please follow the chain of command in order to get your minion a group invite.

9. Be sure to pass your minion a New Members Packet, explain the HUD functions, teach them to claw, and introduce them to their new family!!!

If more help is needed contact your leige or follow chain of command. There are online indicators located in each of the turning rooms in the castle for your convenience if you run into any problems.

On a side note: This turning was a rare occurance of having a vampire turn a lycan. And yes, it is possible. His vampire liege drained him of all humanity while he wore the RAGE HUD.  He then filled up on lumens from a prism.
Congrats to Slik and his leige Alegra.  It was an awesome family turning!

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