Gaz and Greyfox brought in the testosterone and even danced together on the two-person pole for the ladies!
The goings on, happenings, adventures, and activities of our Second Life vampire clan, Divine Blood.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Awesome team of Lady Lorielle and DJ Lara brought us this fantasticly fun Adult themed event. Lara played some interesting music that really set the mood like Flying Lotus. You can always count on her to make it a full experience! !
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Spring Break!!!
Yes we celebrated Spring Break on SL just as in RL. Beach party, kegs, bikinis, sun and sand.
And just as in RL "someone" drank a little too much, passed out, and woke up to regret it. Hope you got his number Dave!!
This photo courtesty of Susanne Streeter. KT is the bystander.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Cinderella's Ball
An exquisite formal event held by Lady Graci and Countess Raven. All the ladies looked like the belle of the ball with handsome gentlemen at their sides. DJ BamBam provided the music for all to enjoy. Laini won the event with her Cinderella gown.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Schedule of Events and Classes March 28- April 3
2-4 Meet & Greet
12pm Hunting
6-8 Fetish Ball
6-8 Willy Wonka
12pm Blood Doll
6-8 TBA
12pm Liege
6-8 Assassin
12pm Potions
6-8 Truth or Dare
12pm Blood Doll
2-4 Field Trip off sim
*Please note all times are SLT. Events and Classes are subject to change.
Congratulations to Phayte and Ravensong!
Divine wishes the newlyweds a heartfelt congratulations for your recent nuptuals. Crown Princess Daisy did a fantastic job as always creating the platform and an original ceremony for the lovely couple. Afterward DJ BamBam played some romantic songs that we all enjoyed. If any you would like to get married on the Divine Blood Island, Daisy does a fantastic job for a mere $L3000.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Divine Roller Derby Team
Contact Leigh or Val if you want to be on the roller Derby Team. Here is a video explaining it Also, our team needs a shop sponsor. Thanks!!
Divine Bike For Auction!!!
Fantasy Goth Event & STFU
Fantasy Goth Event
Counselor Kumani
Baroness Lara
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Super Mario Event
Countess Lola created this unbelievable Super Mario event for us all to enjoy. As we completed four super levels we eventually arrived at Princess Peach's castle for the party. Count Cuda was spinning the tunes for us all to enjoy. So many people dressed for the event too! We were all itching to get out our SNES and play Super Mario World once again!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Bite Fest!!!
Countess Leggzz recently held a very popular bite fest at the arena. With apples, cider, and plenty of willing blood angels to be bitten who could go wrong? We soon also brought out our new bites to try on each other as well. Not to be left out, the lycans also enjoyed clawing for some lumens as well. Baroness Lara offered up her tanks for bidding for land tiers as well because damnit, she just rocks. Here are some of the various images from the event:
I even overheard one guest wanting to join the clan because Divine Blood knows how to have fun!! Fuck ya we do!!!
Bite Fest,
blood angel,
blood doll,
Blood Fest,
Divine Blood
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Theory of a Deadman
Countess Ravensong held the oh so awesome Theory of a Deadman Event. DJ BamBam was spinning tunes from their various CDs as well as some other rock tunes. Fantastic playlist!! We danced on the roof of the castle just like the old days and had a great time!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Female Lycans are Badass too!
Shown here in her lycan AV, Baroness Valerie proves that chicks are badass too!
Photos courtesty of Valerie Firethorn
Photos courtesty of Valerie Firethorn
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Promotions Ceremony 3-17-11
Last Thursday Crown Princess Daisy hosted the Promotions Ceremony for Divine Blood.
Princess Krissy announced the new Lords and Ladies for her group. These individuals were required to attend the Mentor Classes given by the Dukes and Duchesses. They also passed the royal exam and proved themselves active within the clan. Their role now entails hosting or DJing events for the clan, helps new members learn the ways of the clan, participate in clan events as available. Please congratulate
TomTom Capelo, Saladin Avindar, Tarquil Mistwood, MilenaBathory Resident, BloodLustMylia Rajal, Rebel Jupiter, and Graci Salyx!
Next were the new Counts and Countesses promoted up from the L&L. These individuals will Helps with all turnings when in need whether Blood Doll, Vampire or Lycan . Teaches hunting classes. Also assists Lords/Ladies with events. Participates in clan events as available. Please congratulate Ty Serenade, Cuda70 Snowpaw, Ravensong Firehawk, Lola Laroway, Leigh Rosenstar, Tuffie Duffield.
We had one special individual promoted as a Baroness. Valerie Firethorn will add these responsibilities to her list of duties:Responsible for teaching courses on How to hunt and build a strong line as well as maintaining blood dolls, learning how to build and maintain a family line. HUD use as well. (basic training for our blood dolls learning) Helps lords and ladies on events. Participate in clan events as available.
Our Dukes and Duchesses added two veteran knowledgeable players to the group, Bfortytwo Xaron and HeavenlyAngel Lighthouse. They will teach how to be a successful Vampire.
Including.... Help train royals on how to move up in the ranks. (i.e. teaching barons/baronesses how to teach courses on being a good leige) as well as teaching how to hunt and build a strong line/maintaining blood dolls alongside barons/baronesses. Participate in clan events as available.
The King, Queen, and Crown Princess lost their ever lovin’ minds when they promoted me, Freya, to be a Princess. My role includes hears appeals on grievances and act as liaisons with other clans, hears promotion recommendations and facilitates grievances, oversees all other royals activities, participate in clan events as available. Assists the Crown Princess with all issues as they come up. I have also been put in charge of the D&D. This is also PROOF they do not promote based on soul count. Hahaha!
Not included in the ceremony but recently promoted are the new Guardians! Dante Earthboy, Rhiannon Silverblade, Rio Mizin, bva Loxely, and Gorelul Radikal all have been added to learn the ways of the Knights. Their tasks include assisting the knights in any duties needed. The do not have land ejection rights and are strictly in training.
Monday, March 21, 2011

Its about time somebody said something about this AWESOME woman. Not only does she diligently post this blog for everybody to look at but she is one of the most liked and looked up to members of divine. That said sometimes she posts blogs that get her friends in trouble (see below) i have now perverts lining up for BJ's.. thanks Freya!!! A well deserved Princess promotion this week... some people said about time too.. and I fully agree with them. Her new duties now include looking after the Dukes and Duchesses and of course still doing this blog whilst at the same time still licking the Crown Princesses ass. WTG Freya.. your awesome.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Daisy's Blow Job Testimonals
After a recent discussion in Naughty Chat I have been given the highly secretive Testimonials of Daisy's Blow Jobs. As blog reporter I felt it was my duty to share this classified information:
"when she sucked my cock i thought i was going to explode....." Satisfied from Alabama
"... my god what she could with her mouth....." Horny guy from Canada
"....i've never had anyone suck like her.. damn she was better than my vacuum cleaner.." perverted from France
".....after her i could never get anybody else as good..." heartbroken from UK
"Hoover has a thing or two to learn from that mouth...." sucked dry and left for dead, Kentucky."
And now we all know what we already did. Kinda. ;P
"when she sucked my cock i thought i was going to explode....." Satisfied from Alabama
"... my god what she could with her mouth....." Horny guy from Canada
"....i've never had anyone suck like her.. damn she was better than my vacuum cleaner.." perverted from France
".....after her i could never get anybody else as good..." heartbroken from UK
"Hoover has a thing or two to learn from that mouth...." sucked dry and left for dead, Kentucky."
And now we all know what we already did. Kinda. ;P
Thursday, March 17, 2011
It's ALWAYS a party when KT is there! AND Promotions Ceremony Tonight!
I'll have more pics from the Bite Fest later, but for now.. here are some entertaining photos of "King" KT Ktmusprime Kayo, the baddest blood doll around!
Don't forget the Promotions Ceremony tonight 6-8pm SLT. Party after!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Divine Roller Rink Party
Lady Lorielle and Baroness HeavenlyAngel threw a birthday party for Lady Leigh. She does so much for the clan with her roles as Lady and Counselor. Baroness Lara was spinning the 80's tunes (including Prince's Darling Nikki)!!! Great music, great event as always.
Lady Leigh
Roller skate
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Special Members: Family
I would love to honor my Divine Family, all of them, for not long ago they showed me we really are a family through their caring , kindness and support.
Not long ago when things in sl got really bad for me and I was ready to leave it all behind it was this wonderful famiy that showed me how much you all care and will be here to support those that need it at the time it was me but I have seen you come together for others as well. I want to thank each one of you for being there for me then and still being here for me now. You have truly shown what the meaning of a loving family is!!! A shining example of support and kindmess! ! will be forever grateful for all you have done and continue to do. Thank you all so very much!!! Divine is home to me and will be my home for all my days in sl, each one of you makes it a home!!
By: HeavenlyAngel
Not long ago when things in sl got really bad for me and I was ready to leave it all behind it was this wonderful famiy that showed me how much you all care and will be here to support those that need it at the time it was me but I have seen you come together for others as well. I want to thank each one of you for being there for me then and still being here for me now. You have truly shown what the meaning of a loving family is!!! A shining example of support and kindmess! ! will be forever grateful for all you have done and continue to do. Thank you all so very much!!! Divine is home to me and will be my home for all my days in sl, each one of you makes it a home!!
By: HeavenlyAngel
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Best in Daisy
Lady Raven hosted a Daisy appreciation event with her "Best in Daisy". DJ Lara was spinning the tunes as well all gave gratitude for this incredible woman in our SL lives.
She never ceases to amaze me how she handles each situation with grace, class, tact, and with an iron fist. Beneath her strong exterior lies a sweet spirit, feminity, sensuality, with an awesome sense of humor. We owe so much to our Crown Princess, Daisy like this, this and this. Give her a thank you for all she does for us!
She never ceases to amaze me how she handles each situation with grace, class, tact, and with an iron fist. Beneath her strong exterior lies a sweet spirit, feminity, sensuality, with an awesome sense of humor. We owe so much to our Crown Princess, Daisy like this, this and this. Give her a thank you for all she does for us!
The prize winnings were split between Daisy and.... PHAYTE!!!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Schedule of Events March 7- 13, 2011
8am Mentor Class 1
2-4pm Best in Daisy
4pm Mentor Class 1
6-8pm Battle Tanks
8am Mentor Class 2
6-8pm TBA
8am Mentor Class 3
4pm Mentor Class 2
10pm-12am TBA
6-8pm Runaway Bride
4pm Mentor Class 3
6-8 Mystery Event
4pm BL Products
6-8pm BamBam's Bday
*Please note all times are SLT. Events and Classes are subject to change.
Jimmy "Blumpkin" Madeye
Welcome back to the dark side, Jimmy. We have missed your blumpkin loving, happy ass and are so pleased you are back for good. Thank you for stepping up and helping with the Knights while Rikk is away. Thank you for your easy-going personality, your jokes, and your no drama attitude. Thank you for always being there to annoy the King and the rest of us for that matter. We love you, Prince Jimmy. I'd get you a blumpkin as a gift but no one is that disgusting. Not even on SL.
P.S. I'm pretty sure there is a Bro Code despite your claims otherwise.
P.S. I'm pretty sure there is a Bro Code despite your claims otherwise.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Special Clan Members: Skye Carpathia
B's Bestest - Skye <3 Hmmm, didn't have to think long on this one. Roughly ten months ago I was dancing with some friend's at Eka's Club, Daydreams, and this smexy California girl opens up a convo with me and in doing so we opened up the vast wonderful world of SL through our seemingly endless explorations, dancing and chatting the nights away... We worked hard at figuring the bugs out and spent hours sharing what we learned along the way with others. Skye Carpathia-Xaron has proved a source of inspiration for so many here in SL, those coming up through the ranks of Bloodlines and just about any others she'd meet on these roads. So yeah, Skye is my bestest, without her my Second Life just wouldn't be the same :)
Written by Bfortytwo Xaron
Photo Credit: Bfortytwo Xaron
Written by Bfortytwo Xaron
Photo Credit: Bfortytwo Xaron
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The Wormwood Potion
The Wormwood Potion can be used to rescue a soul from Limbo. An avatar's soul will be in Limbo if they have been bitten, but have not joined Bloodlines. Once they drink the Wormwood Potion, their soul will be rescued from Limbo, and will be promised to the next person to bite them. The soul will be delivered once they register for Bloodlines.
CONTENTS1 Wormwood Potion
1 Set Instructions
1 Bloodlines TOS Notecard
1 Liquid designs Copyright & EULA Notecard
1 LM to Bloodlines Store
INSTRUCTIONSTo use the Wormwood potion, just right-click it in your inventory and select 'wear'. It will attach to your hand and check in with our system.
Then, touch the potion to get the menu of functions:
1.Taste :: Take a sip to make sure it's real Wormwood!
2.Drink :: Drink it!
3.Check Av :: check nearby avatars to see if their soul can be rescued by the Wormwood potion
4.Cork :: recork the bottle
5.Uncork :: remove the cork and start magical particle effect.
Bite your new minion after they drink the Wormwood and then have them wear the HUD and liege to you.
Laini and her new Blood Doll, Karin drinking the Wormwood Potion
CONTENTS1 Wormwood Potion
1 Set Instructions
1 Bloodlines TOS Notecard
1 Liquid designs Copyright & EULA Notecard
1 LM to Bloodlines Store
INSTRUCTIONSTo use the Wormwood potion, just right-click it in your inventory and select 'wear'. It will attach to your hand and check in with our system.
Then, touch the potion to get the menu of functions:
1.Taste :: Take a sip to make sure it's real Wormwood!
2.Drink :: Drink it!
3.Check Av :: check nearby avatars to see if their soul can be rescued by the Wormwood potion
4.Cork :: recork the bottle
5.Uncork :: remove the cork and start magical particle effect.
Bite your new minion after they drink the Wormwood and then have them wear the HUD and liege to you.
Laini and her new Blood Doll, Karin drinking the Wormwood Potion
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Cleaning House
King Darrell is cleaning house a bit. Anyone who has not logged in since November 2010 will be removed from the group. No worries though- if your minion needs to be added back just ask a royal for an invite when they log in.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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