Saturday, July 3, 2010

Spotlight on: Starlight Somerset

Within the clan we have some notable names- the king, queen, royals, knights, and members with hundreds of minions. It takes all of us to work to make our family the success that it is. Within the vast seemingly endless names one stands out the most to me- Starlight Somerset. She is a beacon of light to each and every member. Always greeting all of us with a smile and a hug every day.   She does this tirelessly and selflessly. Helping countless new members without a second thought. This sweet blood doll  joined SL in November 2009 and then our clan about a month later. I remember when she arrived in her bright pink jumpsuit and all she wanted to know was how to dance. She still loves to dance. With her infectious smile and pet penguin,  Buddy always on her shoulder you can't help but be drawn to her.  You know you will have a friend to the end with Starlight! Her profile is a reflection of her to a "T" :

Hi!!! "Live for the moment, enjoy what you have, because you never know when it could be gone. Give God thanks for each passing day. Angels exist, but sometimes they don't have wings... We call them "FRIENDS!" Take care, Friend. Hugs!

Hi! I am looking to make friends and have fun while doing so! No stress and worries. That belongs in RL. i LOVE to dance. So, come on LET'S DANCE!!! "Friends are like stars... You don't always see them ... BUT you know they ARE there! " Hugs from This Star!!! I AM CANADIAN !!!!

Thank you sweet Star for bringing such joy into our SL lives each and everyday.  *HUGS* :-)


  1. I agree completely and would like to say that to me Star is that little bit of sunshine that shows and warms on the coldest of days.

  2. Freya could not have put it better... spoken in the words of a true friend! And those very qualities of tirelessly and selflessly, not mention that of loyalty would befit every member of royalty.... I would suggest a royal position of Public Liason for Starlight for those unselfish efforts that come natural to her and serve to reflect nothing but positivly upon Divine blood and her family! It is not only warranted, but earned.
